Visas could be a tool for managing migration, but they're used by states as a means to control and select who is and who isn't permitted to enter.
Do all states do this?
Visas could be a tool for managing migration, but they're used by states as a means to control and select who is and who isn't permitted to enter.
Do all states do this?
With a Spanish passport,
to 162 out of 195 countries
Direct access
Obstructed access
With a Moroccan passport,
to 87 out of 195 countries
Direct access
Obstructed access
With a Syrian passport,
to 50 out of 195 countries
Direct access
Obstructed access
Visa application requirements and visa conditions for some nationalities, especially from the African continent, make it virtually impossible for people to find a safe and legal way to leave their country.
Over half of the short stay visas approved by Spain for tourism, business or family visits are for people from only five countries.
Short stay visas issued in 2023
Over half of the long stay visas [approved by Spain] for study, work or family reasons are for people from only five countries.
Long stay visas issued in 2023
In the case of Morocco, 7 out of 10 visas granted by Spain are for female agricultural workers. Spain and Morocco have agreed their temporary employment on the condition that, at the end of the contract, they return to their country of origin.
Most visas granted by Spain are for people who intend to return to their country of origin.
Total number of visas issued in 2023
*Includes the 765 visas for Airport Transit.
Although it is in theory possible to apply for a visa, in practice, the obstacles are so numerous, the cost so high, and the chances of obtaining one so low that many people do not even try.
The countries with the highest refusal rates are in Africa and the Middle East.
# Requests
Application refusal rates (%)
# Requests
Application refusal rates (%)
Some people give up trying to migrate when their visa application is denied. Those who have no other option take alternative routes and risk their lives trying to reach either a neighbouring country or their original destination.
“It is the obligation of every person born in a safer room to open the door when someone in danger knocks.”
- Dina Nayer, Iranian-American author, in “The Ungrateful Refugee”.
Doesn't meet the requirements to apply for asylum
Doesn't have time to apply for a visa because their life is in danger
Is unable to submit a visa application at their country's consulate
There is no consulate near where they live
Doesn't have the resources to travel to a country where it is possible to apply for a visa
Doesn't meet the requirements to apply for a work visa
Can't prove income to be granted a tourist visa