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What options are available for people to leave their country? How do they get started on possible routes? What alternatives to reach Europe are available?

People are required to come legally. Is this actually possible?

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States that are signatories to the Geneva Convention have an obligation to grant asylum, to protect victims of persecution who do not receive such protection in their country of origin. This is known as international protection.

The European Union extended the concept of international protection to include "subsidiary protection", a second level in which direct persecution is not required, but rather that the situation represents a serious risk to life.

In the EU, international protection takes two forms:

Refugee status:

This is granted to people who suffer individual persecution for one of the reasons set out in the Geneva Convention: a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. This protection is permanent and confers legal residency in Spain.

Subsidiary protection:

This is granted to those people who come from countries where there is armed conflict, war or other type of internal conflict that endangers the lives of the civil population. This protection entitles the holder to a temporary residence permit, to be reviewed every five years.

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It's extremely difficult to access international protection from the country of origin, because it's considered that the person must be in Spanish or European territory in order to apply for asylum.

What legal and safe channels are available to those in need of protection?

One of the few avenues available is to have a family member in Europe who has been granted protection: this is the family extension reunification process.

Spanish law allows someone with refugee status to extend that status in order to bring over some family members.

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Family Reunification

The process for someone to be reunited with their family can take years. They have to get International Protection first, before being able to start the procedure/process for bringing their family over.*

*The beneficiary of International Protection may request Family Reunification for: their father or mother on proof of dependency, their minor child, partner or other dependent member of their family.

If the beneficiary of International Protection is a minor, they may request a Family Reunification for an adult with responsibility for an adult who is responsible for them.

Arribada a l'Estat espanyol Sol·licitud de Protecció Internacional (PI) Admissió a tràmit Concessió de visat Entrevista o aportació de documents addicionals Denegació o inadmissió a tràmit Denegació de visat Concessió de PI Concessió d’extensió familiar Denegació de PI Denegació d’extensió familiar Dia 0 Sol·licitud d’extensió familiar Sol·licitud de visat per viatjar Reunificació familiar Dia 1.460 El procés triga com a mínim quatreanys, aproximadament Inici del viatge a l’Estat espanyol Día 1.460 El proceso tarda mínimo 4 años, aproximadamente Reunificación familiar Inicio del viaje al Estado español Concesión de visado Denegación de visado Entrevista o aportación de documentos adicionales Solicitud de visado para viajar Concesión de extensión familiar Denegación de extensión familiar Solicitud de extensión familiar Concesión de PI Denegación de PI Admisión a trámite Denegación o inadmisión a trámite Solicitud de Protección Internacional (PI) Llegada al Estado español Día 0 Day 1,460 The process takes at least 4 years, approximately Family reunification Start of journey to Spain Grant of visa Refusalof visa Interview or submission of additional documentation Application for travel visa Family reunification granted Refusal of family reunification Application for family reunification Grant of IP Refusal of IP Admission for processing Rejection or inadmissibility for processing Application for International Protection (IP) Arrival in Spain Day 0

*The beneficiary of International Protection may request Family Reunification for: their father or mother on proof of dependency, their minor child, partner or other dependent member of their family.

If the beneficiary of International Protection is a minor, they may request a Family Reunification for an adult with responsibility for an adult who is responsible for them.

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Family Reunification

In 2023, as per the trend of recent years, Family Reunification applications represented fewer than 1% of asylum applications.

Icona llegenda

163,220 asylum applications

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877 applications for family reunification

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Another of the safe and legal avenues to guarantee protection for people in their country of origin is the temporary protection mechanism, which although it has existed for over 20 years, has only been activated on one occasion: the war in Ukraine.

Temporary protection

The temporary protection rule has only been applied once in 20 years.

Activació urgent per invasió russa a Ucraïna 2022 Aprovació del Règim de Protecció Temporal 2003 Activación urgente por invasión rusa a Ucrania 2022 Aprobación del Régimen de Protección Temporal 2003 Urgent activation due to Russian invasion of Ukraine 2022 Adoption of the Temporary Protection Regime 2003 2024 2003
2024 2003 2022 Activació urgent per invasió russa a Ucraïna 2003 Aprovació del Règim de Protecció Temporal 2022 Activación urgente por invasión rusa a Ucrania 2003 Aprobación del Régimen de Protección Temporal 2022 Urgent activation due to Russian invasion of Ukraine 2003 Adoption of the Temporary Protection Regime

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Temporary protection

However there have been many humanitarian crises over the last 20 years.

2023 Genocidi a Palestina Guerra civil a Sudan 2022 Invasió a Ucraïna 2021 Presa del govern afganès per part dels talibans 2020 Guerra de Tigray a Etiòpia 2015 Crisi dels refugiats Rohinyá 2014 Guerra civil al Iemen 2011 Guerra civil a Síria Crisi de fam i guerra civil a Somàlia 2003 Aprovació del Règim de Protecció Temporal 2023 Genocidio en Palestina Guerra civil en Sudán 2022 Invasión en Ucrania 2021 Presa del gobierno afgano por parte de los talibanes 2020 Guerra de Tigray en Etiopía 2015 Crisis de refugiados rohinyás 2014 Guerra civil en Yemen 2011 Guerra civil en Siria
Crisis de hambre y guerra civil en Somalia 2003 Aprobación del Régimen de Protección Temporal 2023 Genocide in Palestine Civil war in Sudan 2022 Invasion of Ukraine 2021 Taliban takeover of the Afgan goverment 2020 Tigray War in Ethiopia 2015 Rohingya refugee crisis 2014 Civil war in Yemen 2011 Civil war in Syria Famine and civil war in Somalia 2003 Adoption of the Temporary Protection Regime 2024 2003
2023 Genocidi a Palestina Guerra civil a Sudan 2022 Invasió a Ucraïna 2021 Presa del govern afganès per part dels talibans 2020 Guerra de Tigray a Etiòpia 2015 Crisi dels refugiats rohingyes; 2014 Guerra civil al Iemen 2011 Guerra civil a Síria Crisi de fam i guerra civil a Somàlia 2003 Aprovació del Règim de Protecció Temporal 2023 Genocidio en Palestina Guerra civil en Sudán 2022 Invasión en Ucrania 2021 Presa del gobierno afgano por parte de los talibanes 2020 Guerra de Tigray en Etiopía 2015 Crisis de refugiados rohinyás 2014 Guerra civil en Yemen 2011 Guerra civil en Siria Crisis de hambre y guerra civil en Somalia 2003 Aprobación del Régimen de Protección Temporal 2023 Genocide in Palestine Civil war in Sudan 2022 Invasion of Ukraine 2021 Taliban takeover of the Afgan goverment 2020 Tigray War in Ethiopia 2015 Rohingya refugee crisis 2014 Civil war in Yemen 2011 Civil war in Syria Famine and civil war in Somalia 2003 Adoption of the Temporary Protection Regime 2024 2003

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The likelihood of accessing protection legally and safely from the country of origin is greatly reduced for the majority of people who find themselves forced to leave in a risky fashion. However, European states do not require the same contitions for all nationalities.


Access denied

No-one with an African nationality has direct access to Spanish territory

Schengen area*

People within the Schengen Area have total freedom of movement to enter Spain.

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Estonia, Greece, Spain, Finland, France, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Latvia, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sweden, Slovenia, Slovakia

Tourist visa not required

Most people coming from America and some Asian countries are not required to hold a tourist visa in order to enter Spain.

Albania, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, The Bahamas, Barbados, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, South Korea, Costa Rica, El Salvador, United Arab Emirates, United States of America, Georgia, Emirate of Granada, Guatemala, Honduras, Israel, Japan, Kiribati, Republic of Macedonia, Malaysia, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, United Kingdom, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Saint Kitts and Nevis, San Marino, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Vatican City, Serbia, Seychelles, Singapore, East Timor, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu, Venezuela

Tourist visa required

People from most African countries, and some Asian and American countries need to comply with very strict criteria to be granted a tourist visa allowing entry to Spain.

Angola, Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Belize, Benin, Belarus, Myanmar, Bolivia, Botswana, Burundi, Bhutan, Cape Verde, Cambodia, Central African Republic, China, Comoros, North Korea, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Eswatini, Philippines, Fiji, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Guyana, Indonesia, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Kuwait, Laos, Lesotho, Lebanon, Líbya, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Morocco, Mauritania, Mongolia, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, Niger, Oman, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Rwanda, Russia, São Tomé and Príncipe, South Africa, South Sudan, Suriname, Thailand, Tanzania, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kosovo

Tourist visa and airport transit visa required

People from Cuba and some African and Asian countries need an airport transit visa on top of their tourist visa to be allowed a stopover in a Spanish airport.

Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran, Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Cuba, Djibouti, Gambia, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti , India, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Republic of the Congo, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Syria, Sudan, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkey, Chad, Uzbekistan, Yemen and the Palestinian Authority.

Direct access

Access blocked

*includes EU states and territories outside the Schengen area

Visas are used to permit people to enter the territory of a state for which they are not nationals. Each State can decide if a person needs to seek permission to enter its territory or not i.e. whether they are required to apply for a visa; and each State has the power to authorise or refuse such permission.

For anyone wanting to come to Spain that lives in a country that requires a visa to do so, the process is likely to be complicated and slow.

If you despair at the time it takes to read this, can you imagine having to wait years to get to the place you want to be?